
How to Open a Casino in Vietnam as a Foreigner

Introduction Vietnam's rapidly developing economy, coupled with the strong growth of its tourism sector, has created a favourable environment for the casino industry. With the...
Licensing process for foreign casino operators in Vietnam

Legal Requirements for Foreigners Opening a Casino in Vietnam

The casino industry in Vietnam is attracting significant interest from international investors. With specific legal regulations, opening and operating a casino in Vietnam requires...
Vietnam Enterprise Mergers

The law on business consolidation

Merging enterprises is a form of corporate reorganization aimed at optimizing business operations, enhancing competitiveness, and improving operational efficiency. Below is a detailed guide...
Corporate Mergers in Vietnam

Legal regulations on corporate mergers in Vietnam

Business mergers are one of the common forms of corporate restructuring in Vietnam, offering significant benefits in terms of scale and operational efficiency. However,...
Pháp lý cổ phiếu trong M&A

Legal aspects of using shares as payment in M&A transactions

In the context of M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), using shares as a payment method is becoming increasingly popular. However, it requires strict adherence to...
khung phap ly dieu chinh hoat dong m&a

Overview of the legal framework regulating M&A in Vietnam

1. General Legal Framework 1.1 The Enterprise Law The Enterprise Law regulates the establishment, management, and operation of various types of businesses. For M&A, this law...

How many days off work in a month do not require...

In some cases, employees who work for less than a certain number of days in a month are exempt from paying social insurance (BHXH),...


Question: Please provide us with the formula for calculating sick leave benefits. Our company operates from Monday to Saturday, with Sunday as the day off,...


Question:  Our organization has some questions regarding unemployment insurance, and we would like some clarification: Individuals contribute to unemployment insurance throughout their working period, and when...


Question:  Currently, in our company, there is an employee who had a workplace accident. We have fully paid for their medication. When the employee is...

Social Insurance: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1)

Question: Mr. A participates in Family Health Insurance (under 80 years old, not continuously insured for 5 years in Health Insurance; not classified as near-poor...

Social Insurance: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 2)

Question: Our company has a policy that if a short-term labor contract is for more than 3 months, we require the employee to pay...
Tax regulations for foreigners in Vietnam

Tax Regulations for Foreigners Working in Vietnam

1. Introduction to the Vietnamese Tax System for Foreigners a. Overview of the Legal Tax Framework in Vietnam Vietnam applies a complex and stringent tax system...

Can the expenses for purchasing an apartment for executives be depreciated...

Question: Regarding the company's purchase of an apartment for its executives (with invoices and complete contracts), can the expenses for buying this apartment be depreciated...

Some inquiries from the enterprise regarding employees’ registration for family dependent...

Question: Currently, in our company, there is a case where an employee applied for dependent deduction for personal income tax (PIT). However, because they had...

Regulations on Invoices and Documents for Sales of Goods and Provision...

Question:  Mr. Nguyen Van A is the individual business owner (operating a computer embroidery business named Hung Lam). He directly pays value-added tax (VAT) and...

Which Allowances Can Be Deducted as Expenses for Determining Corporate Income...

Question:  In our monthly regulations, our company provides additional support to employees in the form of allowances such as gasoline, telephone, and rent. All these...

Business Cancelling Electronic Invoices

Question:  Our company issued electronic invoices for a sale on November 15, 2019. In the morning, when the goods were loaded onto the delivery vehicle,...

What Happens If You Don’t Protect Your Inventions or Creative Processes?

Registering a patent is not always the right solution for your business. It's best to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of patent protection...

What is intellectual property? Why is intellectual property need to be...

When a new product hits the market and successfully attracts customers, competitors will develop the same or comparable products sooner or later. Rivals can...

Which measures are being made to protect intellectual property?

Depending on the form of your intangible assets, the law provides several legal measures to assist you in protecting your assets. Products and creative process...

Are intellectual property rights automatically protected internationally once they have local...

It is essential to understand that intellectual property rights are "territorial rights," which means that they are normally only protected within a country (like...

Are intellectual property rights protected in all countries?

Almost every country in the world has rules to protect intellectual property rights. Through time, countries' intellectual property laws have become much more standardized,...

Where can I learn about intellectual property rights and procedures in...

The easiest way to search for information regarding intellectual property protection regulations and processes in your country or any other country is with that...

Marriage Laws for Foreigners in Vietnam

Marriage in Vietnam for foreigners is a complex legal process that requires strict adherence to the country’s laws and regulations. Understanding these local rules...
Foreigners creating wills in Vietnam

How to Write a Will in Vietnam as a Foreigner

Introduction The importance of drafting a will cannot be underestimated, especially for foreigners residing in Vietnam. Navigating asset management in a foreign country can be...
Licensing process for foreign casino operators in Vietnam

Legal Requirements for Foreigners Opening a Casino in Vietnam

The casino industry in Vietnam is attracting significant interest from international investors. With specific legal regulations, opening and operating a casino in Vietnam requires...
Adoption in Vietnam for foreigners

Adoption Laws in Vietnam for Foreign Residents

1. Introduction Adoption in Vietnam for foreigners is a complex legal process that requires adoptive parents to strictly comply with legal regulations to ensure the...
Vietnam divorce process for foreigners

Understanding Divorce Laws for Foreigners in Vietnam

1. Introduction The Law governs divorce law in Vietnam on Marriage and Family, which outlines specific provisions regarding the rights and obligations of spouses, as...
Managing Personal Assets in Vietnam

Managing Personal Assets in Vietnam: A Guide for Foreigners

1. Introduction Managing personal assets for foreigners living in Vietnam can face numerous challenges related to legal, financial, and cultural aspects. With rapid economic development...

Services News


    Marriage Laws for Foreigners in Vietnam

    Marriage in Vietnam for foreigners is a complex legal process that requires strict adherence to the country’s laws and regulations. Understanding these local rules...

    How to Open a Casino in Vietnam as a Foreigner

    Introduction Vietnam's rapidly developing economy, coupled with the strong growth of its tourism sector, has created a favourable environment for the casino industry. With the...
    Foreigners creating wills in Vietnam

    How to Write a Will in Vietnam as a Foreigner

    Introduction The importance of drafting a will cannot be underestimated, especially for foreigners residing in Vietnam. Navigating asset management in a foreign country can be...
    Licensing process for foreign casino operators in Vietnam

    Legal Requirements for Foreigners Opening a Casino in Vietnam

    The casino industry in Vietnam is attracting significant interest from international investors. With specific legal regulations, opening and operating a casino in Vietnam requires...
    Adoption in Vietnam for foreigners

    Adoption Laws in Vietnam for Foreign Residents

    1. Introduction Adoption in Vietnam for foreigners is a complex legal process that requires adoptive parents to strictly comply with legal regulations to ensure the...
    Vietnam divorce process for foreigners

    Understanding Divorce Laws for Foreigners in Vietnam

    1. Introduction The Law governs divorce law in Vietnam on Marriage and Family, which outlines specific provisions regarding the rights and obligations of spouses, as...