
Modes and conditions of educational cooperation with foreign countries

1. Forms of training association with foreign countries

Joint training with foreign countries is carried out according to the following training programs:

– Training program developed by 2 parties; Issuing diplomas and certificates of foreign or foreign countries and of Vietnam;

– Foreign training programs; grant foreign diplomas and certificates;

– And foreign training programs transferred; Issuing diplomas and certificates of foreign or foreign countries and of Vietnam.

Joint training with foreign countries is fully implemented in Vietnam. Or decided by the affiliated parties to implement partly in Vietnam and partly in foreign countries.

2. Conditions for training association with foreign countries and autonomy to decide on training association with foreign countries

2.1 Occupation and level of training

Organizations may conduct training cooperation with foreign educational and training institutions in the following fields:

– Joint training of vocational education qualifications according to the laws of foreign and Vietnamese countries.

– Except for professions in the fields of politics, security, defense and religion.

Organizations that are allowed to conduct joint training with foreign countries include:

– Vocational education institutions;

– Center for vocational education – continuing education;

– Enterprise.

Hình thức và điều kiện liên kết đào tạo với nước ngoài

2.2 Subjects enrolled in joint training programs

With the form of granting diplomas and certificates of Vietnam: Enrollment subjects comply with Vietnamese law.

In case of granting foreign diplomas and certificates: Subjects of enrollment shall comply with foreign laws.

As for the case of joint granting of foreign and Vietnamese diplomas and certificates: Subjects of enrollment shall comply with the laws of the two countries.

2.3 Training facilities and equipment

Must meet the requirements of the training program, the law of the country granting the diploma or certificate, etc. And must correspond to the training scale;

There are classrooms; laboratory; rooms and workshops for practice and practice; experimental production facility. These facilities must meet the requirements under the training program;

With joint training implemented partly in foreign countries… The facilities and equipment shall comply with foreign laws.

2.4 Programs, textbooks, training materials

The organization must ensure that there are enough training programs, textbooks and documents as required by each joint training program;

The training program must not contain the following contents:

+ Causing harm to national defense, security or community interests;

+ Spreading religion, distorting history;

+ Affecting Vietnamese culture, morality, fine customs and traditions.

Hình thức và điều kiện liên kết đào tạo với nước ngoài

2.5 Team of teachers

– Meet professional and professional standards;

– Satisfied in quantity, meeting the professional structure required by the training program, and according to the law of the country issuing the diploma or certificate;

– Teachers who teach in foreign languages ​​in the program must have qualifications that meet the requirements agreed upon by the associated parties;

– When a foreign language teacher is a foreign language teacher, he/she must have a bachelor’s degree or higher and have an appropriate teaching certificate;

– Foreign teachers must meet the labor law in Vietnam.

2.6 Language of Teaching and Learning

– Be Vietnamese, foreign or through an interpreter;

– Based on learners’ needs, the associated parties can organize foreign language refresher courses. This helps learners to meet the foreign language requirements to study as prescribed by the two parties.

2.7 Accreditation of vocational education quality of foreign educational and training institutions

The foreign education and training institution has a lawful education quality accreditation certificate. Or be recognized as having achieved vocational education quality accreditation

2.8 Autonomy to decide on foreign training association

Vocational education institutions that have decided to grant financial autonomy are entitled to freely associate training with foreign countries. Except for sectors in the fields of health, security and defense. And the establishment must meet the conditions in Clause 8, Article 22, Decree 15/2019/ND-CP as amended in Clause 10, Article 2, Decree 24/2022/ND-CP.

(Based on Clause 9, 10, Article 2, Decree 24/2022/ND-CP)

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