
Which measures are being made to protect intellectual property?

Depending on the form of your intangible assets, the law provides several legal measures to assist you in protecting your assets.

  • Products and creative process can be protected as patents and useful solutions;
  • As industrial designs, creative creations, including textile designs, are protected.
  • Trademarks are used to protect brands.
  • Semiconductor circuits are protected by layout design or semiconductor integrated circuits;
  • Geographical indications preserve indications of items of a certain quality and reputation relating to geographical origin.
  • Trade secrets protect private data with commercial value.
  • Most countries protect cultural, artistic, and literary works, as well as computer software and data compilations, through copyright and related rights.

In general, intellectual property is divided into two major categories: (1) industrial property, which covers six of the first seven subjects stated above, and (2) copyright and related rights, which comprises the final group of subjects. It is critical to become acquainted with these words.

Each of the above intellectual property protection techniques will be thoroughly examined in the sections that follow.

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