
How does labor law regulate domestic helpers?

Explore the intricate web of labor laws governing domestic helpers. Understand how these regulations ensure fair treatment, rights, and responsibilities for both employers and domestic workers


There is an opinion that domestic helpers should not be narrowly understood as individuals who come to another household to take care of children or the elderly, but could also encompass tasks such as gardening and driving, and it’s not necessary for them to reside with the host family. How does the law regulate domestic helpers?


Article 161 of Labor Code 2019, effective from January 1, 2021, defines domestic helpers as workers who regularly perform tasks within the households of one or multiple families.

The tasks within households include housework, household management, childcare, caregiving for the sick and elderly, driving, gardening, and other household-related tasks not involving commercial activities.

Therefore, the scope of work for domestic helpers encompasses not only taking care of children and the elderly but also includes housework, household management, driving, gardening, etc. Additionally, the law does not mandate that domestic helpers must reside with their employers. However, if both parties agree, the employer must provide suitable and hygienic accommodations and meals for the domestic helper.

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