
Which agency to send the labor regulations registration dossier

Understanding the intricate process of labor regulations registration is vital for businesses expanding across different provinces in Vietnam. This article addresses a common concern regarding the submission of labor regulations documentation when a company operates in multiple regions. We clarify the obligations of employers and the appropriate agencies involved in the registration process.

Question: About this stituation

My company is headquartered in province A and has registered its labor regulations at the competent authority in province A. This year, we open another branch in province B. Does my company have to file a registration application?

Answer: According to the Law

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 119 of the Labor Code on registration of labor regulations, employers with branches, units, production and business establishments located in many different areas must send internal labor regulations.

Thus, your company only needs to send the labor regulations registered in province A to the competent authority in province B, and does not have to submit an application to register labor regulations.

In addition, Article 119 of the Labor Code also stipulates:

1. Employers employing 10 or more employees must register labor regulations at the specialized labor agency under the Provincial People’s Committee where the employer registers business.

2. Within 10 days from the date of promulgation of labor regulations, the employer must submit an application to register labor regulations.

3. Within 07 working days from the date of receiving the application for registration of labor regulations, if the content of the labor regulations contains provisions contrary to the law, the specialized labor agency under the Provincial People’s Committee shall notify and guide the employer to amend, supplement and re-register.

4. Based on specific conditions, the specialized labor agency under the Provincial People’s Committee can authorize the specialized labor agency under the District People’s Committee to register labor regulations. act according to the above regulation.

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