
In the case where an employee works and receives a salary from two different companies, how is the personal income tax settlement carried out?


I signed a contract and worked, earning a salary for the entire year 2015 (12 months) at Company A with a monthly salary of 9 million Vietnamese Dong. In June 2015, I signed an additional work contract with Company B with a monthly salary of 12 million Vietnamese Dong. Therefore, from June 2015 onwards, I worked and received a salary from two places (I have no dependents for family deductions).

When it became known that I was working at two places, both Company A and Company B prepared tax deduction declarations for me as a person working at two places. I have the following questions:

1. How should I correctly pay personal income tax at both Company A and Company B? Based on which legal documents?

2. At the end of 2015, do Company A and Company B need to complete the Settlement of Personal Income Tax Return Form 05/KK-TNCN (including me as one of the employees with labor contracts) to submit to the Tax authorities? Can you provide the guiding legal documents?

3. If I have income from both Company A and Company B as mentioned above, do I have to settle my personal income tax for the year 2015 by myself? Based on which guiding legal documents?


Based on:

-Circular No. 111/2013/TT-BTC dated August 15, 2013.

-Circular No. 92/2015/TT-BTC dated June 15, 2015.

In the described situation, during 2015, you had income from two sources. Therefore, you fall into the category of individuals who must independently settle their taxes directly with the tax authority (you cannot delegate the company to settle taxes on your behalf). The place to submit your tax settlement documents is the tax authority responsible for the unit that pays your income and where you have registered for family deduction. The companies that pay your income are responsible for providing you with tax withholding certificates to serve as the basis for your tax settlement with the tax authority.

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